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Effective Herbal Supplements and Vitamins For Anxiety

Anxiety feelings and attacks are very common to many people that it has become part of life. 

Despite being normal and many people getting diagnosed with anxiety every year, a very high percentage do not know how to manage and deal with it. There are several effective options to help relieve anxiety including medication and therapy. Another great option that has been efficient to relieve anxiety at home is going natural. 

To date, scientists have discovered effective herbal supplements and vitamins for anxiety. Whether anxiety has manifested itself through panic attacks, physical or psychological symptoms, these natural herbal supplements, and vitamins are alternative methods that can help relieve anxiety before it affects the body. 

Natural Anxiety Supplements

Valerian Root

This root is used by patients suffering from insomnia to help them sleep. Insomnia is also one of the symptoms of anxiety. Valerian root enhances peaceful night sleep and helps relieve anxiety. It has been used for many years as a natural anxiety remedy.

The root is also known for enhancing body relaxation by converting its valeric acids to calming neurotransmitters in the body.

A 2002 study found out that consuming 50 milligrams of Valerian three times a day for a month reduced anxiety levels in people with anxiety disorders.

Kava Kava

Kava kava is another popular remedy for anxiety. The root has been used to make pills that promote muscle relaxation and cognitive ability. Several studies have found kava kava to be a safe, effective treatment for anxiety. It can have a negative impact when it interacts with alcohol. Therefore, it is important to avoid alcohol at the expense of managing anxiety. It can also cause severe damage to the liver, a reason why the researchers stopped their advancement in its studies.

Kava can also be found in other several forms such as powder and liquid extracts. 


This herb was traditionally used to treat anxiety and aging. It is considered to be “adaptogenic,” which means that it helps in regulating the body’s natural processes. 

Many people use this herb to boost their mood and relieve themselves from anxiety symptoms.

The benefits of this herb are gained by eating its fruits, seeds, and shoots. It can also be found in capsules today.


Also called the roseroot or golden root, Rhodiola is also an adaptogen like the Ashwagandha and can help reduce stress levels. It also has beneficial abilities to manage and treat anxiety by enhancing calmness and relaxation. It is available in form of capsules, extracts, and teas.


Passionflower helps bring a calm and relaxed mind to patients with anxiety disorders. It can work by causing sleepiness to some people, so it’s best taken before bedtime. This natural treatment for anxiety originated from Peru before spreading across the world.

This plant also improves mood and reduces nervousness. Although researchers say there is still a lot to be known for its impact against anxiety, it is generally safe for anyone to try without any negative effects on the body.

It can be consumed as capsules, tablets, teas, or extracts.


This is another effective natural remedy for anxiety, available in tea and pill form. Chamomile has been known to have calming effects on anxiety symptoms. This has been supported by a 2009 study that was published in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology.

This flower has been used for ages to treat anxiety through its ability to enhance relaxation.

Another study in 2016 found out that people who took chamomile every day displayed fewer anxiety symptoms compared to those who took a placebo.


Just by its smell, lavender can help relieve anxiety through relaxation. The National Centre for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) says that most people use lavender to relieve themselves from anxiety, although several researchers have produced mixed results about this herb.

A study conducted in 20165 found out that lavender cream, when applied on the skin, helped reduce anxiety levels and stress in pregnant women.

Another study in 2017 found that people who use lavender aromatherapy just before minor surgeries had lower anxiety levels than those who do not.

Lavender can be used in form of lavender essential oil, which can be inhaled using an essential oil diffuser, or apply the oil on the skin after diluting it with olive or coconut oils.

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm has been used since the middle ages to help relieve anxiety and enhance body and mind relaxation. It is also effective in treating digestion problems and headaches. Several studies have backed this herb for having additional abilities to reduce stress with its soothing and calming properties.

There are very few studies on this herb, with one finding out that its extracts helped relieve stress in people with moderate anxiety levels.


Vitamin D

Vitamin D is important in regulating mood and improving brain health. This study established a relationship between vitamin levels and depression. It found out that vitamin D can help treat depression.

Other researchers claim that having deficiency in vitamin D levels can be linked with anxiety.

A study conducted in 2015 reported that people who showed anxiety symptoms and depression were found out to be having lower Vitamin D levels.

Vitamin B Complex

B Vitamins are made up of eight different nutrients that coordinate to manage body processes like stress management.

A study suggested that people with love vitamin B-12 levels were at a higher risk to have depression or anxiety.

Another study in 2018 reported that those who consumed food with high B vitamins had better anxiety management ability than others.

Using B complex helps in getting sufficient B vitamins for the body.


There are several herbal supplements and vitamins that can help reduce anxiety levels. Before taking any of them, it is advisable to talk to the doctor as some of them still need more research and studies to confirm their effectiveness.

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